June 18, 2024
October 18, 2024
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Meet Stitch Finance Manager Sergio Marais

We caught up with Stitch Finance Manager Sergio Marais to hear more about his role at Stitch, his vision for the future of payments in South Africa and more.

Lucille Wilcox, Communications + Events Manager
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Meet Stitch Finance Manager Sergio Marais

1. Describe your job to a 10-year-old.

Let’s look at a school as an example. A finance manager would take care of all aspects of the school’s money.

This means they would have to plan for future cost, like paying teachers salaries or fixing the buildings, for example, and help decide how to spend the money wisely.

They also need to track all the school fees paid by the parents and make sure none of it is lost! A finance manager always has to track if the school’s finances are healthy and they would need to produce monthly reports to share with the person in change, like the school’s principal. 

2. What excites you most about working in the payments space in South Africa?

The payments space in South Africa is built on a rigorous financial infrastructure, and although it keeps the South African public well-guarded, it’s primed to benefit from innovative solutions which augment the experience and accessibility for all participants.

These solutions have the potential to drive measurable impact on the everyday lives of South Africa citizens, both directly with seamless payments experiences and indirectly through economic growth driven by efficient payments.

3. How does Stitch use automation to streamline finance-related processes?

Manual repetitive tasks are efficiency killers. Initially, we focused on driving efficiency in our revenue cycle with the automation of our entire billing process. This automation has resulted in more accurate and timely revenue collection, with the added value of fast and efficient billing reconciliation for our clients. 

Now, we’ve shifted our focus to automating various processes around our payables cycle.

4. What’s your vision for what payments in South Africa will look like if Stitch has achieved its mission?

Ultimately I believe that South Africa, and ideally the African continent as a whole, would be more connected and financially open and enjoy far more prosperity. The ability for all to access a financial system is paramount to driving economic growth.

5. What’s your favourite thing about working at Stitch?

The mission and team. Our collective vision of building a financial system that works for all is a massively complex undertaking. But, a customer-centric approach guides us to where we need to focus our attention. The team’s ability to solve these complex problems with innovative solutions is inspiring and definitely a strong motivational driver.

Rapid fire

  • How do you spend your free time / what are your hobbies?

I find great satisfaction in bringing old things back to their former glory. You’ll find me spending most of my weekends restoring cars and motorbikes.

  • What would your superpower be and why?

Teleportation (but with the ability to bring people along of course!). Travel would be effortless, and family would be that much closer.

  • What are you reading or watching at the moment?

I recently finished the book Red Notice written by Bill Browder, which I was engrossed in reading. Very interesting perspective on the dismantlement of the Soviet Union from a financial perspective - but it reads like a thriller!

  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“This too, shall pass”. The bad times (and even the good) will not last forever. Embrace change and don’t sweat the uncontrollable.

  • What’s your go-to lazy dinner?

A quick carbonara or simple tomato pasta always does the trick.