Tech Radar

What is the Tech Radar?

The Stitch Tech Radar is a list of technologies currently being used or explored at Stitch. Each technology is placed into a category called a ring assignment based on what phase of evaluation it’s in. We use four rings with the following definitions:

These are technologies that we have high confidence in to meet our requirements and are being used at scale. They are currently used in the Stitch production environment and have been for a significant duration of time. They are considered low-risk and recommended for wide use on new and existing projects.

These technologies have been proven to solve existing problems with success; the technologies listed here have been used in one or more existing projects and we have identified their strengths and weaknesses. Trial technologies are currently undergoing experimental usage in production and are slightly riskier; some of our engineers may have used them previously and can share their knowledge and experiences.

These are technologies that are promising, have clear benefits over existing solutions or are suitable for solving new problems; They are worth investing some research, prototyping and experimenting efforts into to discover whether they will fit our requirements. Assess technologies have higher risk; they are often new and highly unproven in our organisation. Some of our engineers may champion and promote it based on previous experience or teams will have experimented with it in a non-production environment.

These technologies are discouraged from use in new projects as we are not willing to invest in them further. They may not suit new requirements, have limited community support or vulnerabilities. Hold technologies should not be used for new projects and work is planned or ongoing to replace them in our stack. Technologies placed in Hold are done so in the context of Stitch and is not a statement about their viability in other organisations.